Panic, panic, panic!

In germany we ave a strange culture around nuclear power. The AKW Krümmel, a german nuclear power plant, has been shut down yesterday because of a failing transformer, which caused a low voltage on two of the four power supplies of the plant. An automated security system shut down the reactor and in doing so prevented potentially more serious things. Well I’m happy that at last the security-systems still work (because of Germanys nuclear phaseout, money is rare…). The AKW Krümmel is not quite famous for its security, this year there were for example a damaged part of reactor security system or some broken switches, which switched emergency power, all of which are not funny in case of an accident. But what makes me angry is, that the press and our nuclear opponents denunciate the emergency shutdowns so much, because

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HamRadio 2009

Yeah, today I was at the HamRadio, the international amateur (ham) radio convention! I don’t have a license (yet) but every year I am once again convinced to do the necessary exam *now*… 😉 However, at HamRadio there is always something new to discover. And the ham-Flea-Market is – also – always an attraction. But a special highlight every year is the stand of AAtiS, a german educational amateur radio club. They always have some part which (at least I) must have right away, like 1000µF / 400V Elkos or 1,3GBitS optical links… Needless to say, I went shopping…:

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Go, go iran, go!

I think it’s completely amazing what iran people do at the moment! Against all efforts of the iran government, the protesters get their information into the www. Totally amazing! This shows clearly that it is just impossible to regulate or censor the internet. Pity, that our german government is just interested in content and not in ways of communication…

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When faced with so much stupidity…

I’ll keep it short in english, but now Germany as well has it’s own internet-censorship-law. Politicians voted for it today and it was passed through the Bundestag. The online-petition against that law, which was signed 130000 times (thats record) had no weight in the decision. So being faced with that much stupidity and unawareness I think we can just wait until things are re-discussed in front of our national Constitutional Court.

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