Fixing a ChaoticLab CNC Tap V1

I noticed some play in my Voron 2.4r2 printhead. It seemed to come from the CNC Tap I had installed some time ago. I was one of the earlier adopters of the ChaoticLab CNC Tap version 1. It was advertised to use a genuine HiWin rail, so some further investigation was in order (before pulling the trigger on a new CNC Tap). I first removed the Tap and did what the manual says you shouldn’t do: I removed the 4 screws holding it together: If you remove the screws… You get to the indeed genuine HiWin MGN7H linear rail. Being from HiWin we expect absolutely no play in the rail or the carriage. And indeed, I was able to see the rail moving minimally when i applied force to the carriare. So further disassembly is due… You